We just got the tablet and it has been nice when I have been at a PTU (parent teacher union)meeting I will admit. But finding the kids want to play all the time if I have it. I see kids faces buried in these all the time when I go somewhere. Even kids who are becoming addicted.. not just to these tablets but other media. Read this article about children and Ipad addiction. Toddlers becoming addicted to Ipad require therapy.
We recently got cable television last summer for the first time and let our kids play more on the video game consoles. My middle two kids had never experienced cable TV or commercials much for that matter. We started noticing a trend with our kids. They seemed to be sucked in like Sleeping beauty was with the needle on the spindle in the Disney movie "Sleeping Beauty" haha. I noticed they were more distracted, and it was harder for them to focus.
In all seriousness, We noticed that with the new media around, our kids were fighting etc and had case of the gimmies and the "I am soooo bored" whine.
A mom at my kids school I found out has no TV or video games and the only cell phone I see used is her and her husband. Her kids are star students and do very well at school.Another mom friend of mine did a week as well of no media, Her kids success inspired me to do the media detox.
So we took it upon ourselves last Fall and bagged up of ALL their toys that they said they were bored with, but a few like books, blocks etc. Then shut down and turned off all video games. They were off limits up until March of this year.
It was hard at first to not tell the kids, "hey, go watch a TV show, or play a video game". At times I wanted so much to have it quiet while they watched a show they liked. So to help instead of spending money on a new video game or the extra cable package, we purchased board games, and books. With the cold , winter break we encouraged pretend play, writing, drawing, and outside play. That became our media detox. The change we saw in our kids was AWESOME.
They started playing together, using more of their imagination again ( like they did before we had tv) and got along better. We played more games as a family, and I was able to teach them card games I enjoyed as a kid. Like Speed, go fish, Uno, Old Maid etc. They learned how to play poker, and even Dude Bear who is 11 made up a role playing game on his own, not knowing what those games even were.
What it does come down to is moderation of course. With summer approaching it can be hard to not let them just play a video game or watch TV for something to do. I guess in this I just want to encourage parents or yourself to once in a while do a media detox. I know some of you rely soley on cell phones, and being connected ..but unplug once in a while, You will enjoy the silence. Be with those around you and enjoy that little time you have with your kids or your loved ones. It was worth it for us.