Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Moby" type wrap from a full-size bedsheet

Ha ha I look back at my last few posts and think why did I think I could actually get more things done ..So here is my now Quarterly update.  Sorry followers.

The shear reality of Cinnamon Bears pending  arrival in the next 10 days has me on nesting mode to get things done. I saw a pin on Pinterest about making your own Moby wrap by going to the fabric store  getting 5 yards of fabric and sewing them together and VOILA, a Moby wrap for a fraction of the cost.  http://www.rookiemoms.com/how-to-make-a-moby-wrap/
(this site also has a youtube video on how to use the wrap)
I like to be frugal and thought, why would I go the the fabric store when the thrift store will do me just as good.  So I went to my local thrift store, found a full size sheet in great condition for $3.99.

The fabric is a cotton Jersey type fabric I found. I made sure it was a little stretchy because I know with the "Moby" brand , the fabric needs a little give in it in order for it to be snug but not too snug.

I am not a  professional or good sewer by any means, and I know my husband would be impressed to see the sewing machine out on the desk. I am also at times impatient. Therefore,  I thought I would take the easy route and sew only what I needed to, using the bedsheets finished edges to my advantage. That, with being 37 weeks pregnant, I do not want to stand long..it hurts.

Alright enough talk , here is what you need to get started and get done. Took me about an hour.  Here is the condensed version;  Measure, cut , sew.. done..  scroll down for the detailed version.

1 Full size bedsheet ( Jersey knit or stretchy fabric)
Pinking shears , scissors or rotary cutter
Measuring tape
Sewing machine


 For me I found that my table here is exactly a yard wide, so I measured like the ladies do at the fabric store using the table.
 I measured my sheet lengthwise. (if the sheet was on your bed it would be from the top of the sheet to the bottom.) The sheet was 3 yards long.

The width of my full size sheet (from side to side) was 75 inches wide. The instructions in the website says it needs to be 21 inches wide.
With these dimensions, it does mean that you have to cut the fabric to make everything work out.

I taped my measuring tape to the table so I could measure out the with of the sheet , pin it accordingly.  So that it would be 21 inches wide the whole length of the sheet.  Iron it and cut ( this may not be the way to do it professionally, but it worked for me. Notice the wood clamps..yea, that holds down the fabric so I can cut it.) For my Male readers... see, you CAN use tools and sew..and that is electrical tape holding down my measuring tape.

The sheet is LONG enough to make two- 21inch wide strips that are 3 yards long a piece plus a left over strip.
 Once sewn together,  that is a Moby wrap that is  6 yards long and 21 inches wide.
(With 1  left over 3 yard long  strip you can make homemade baby wipes out of. Or dust rags. )
 Upon more reading I found that some Moby wraps are made for those who are a little larger in size, and the dimensions in the website above, may not fit all very well.  I'm smaller my husband is bigger so I decided instead of cutting and measuring and more sewing than I really want to do,  I will just make it a 6 yard long strip of fabric.

Taking advantage of the finished edges on the sheet, I decided to match up the bottoms of the cut strips from the sheet. ( they are finished edges as well, so following the line to match it up was easy peasy.) Please excuse the big baby belly in black fabric..

Because you are sewing the bottoms together of the sheet, the top finished edge of the sheet will become your "Moby" wrap ends.  (I chose not to sew and finish the  left edge right now that I cut  with my pinking shears. If you look at the right of this wrap, the other side edge is finished as well already because that would be the sides of the sheet)

So..ALL DONE! I now have a "Moby" wrap that I made from a full size sheet that I did try out using Boo Bears' Raggedy Ann doll. I will certainly post a pic of the finished product , in actual use here in about 11 days!

Here is the Front, with Raggedy Ann. The doll  is up pretty  high, because the baby bump is totally in the way.
This is the Back, I did not have time to make the back look perfect in this photo and even out the fabric for eye appeal, but you get the jist.

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